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Collectors of Pop (Vinyl / CD / DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! distributed by Broken SilenceUK: Shellshock,
out August 23rd 2024
 Cut-up and Paste (Vinyl / CD / DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! distributed by Broken SilenceUK: Shellshock, March 2019
Alan Rusbridger (Vinyl / DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! distributed by Broken SilenceUK: Shellshock, March 2016
From Lo-Fi to Disco! (CD / Vinyl / DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! distributed by Broken SilenceUK: Shellshock
US: distributed by Tedium House / Revolver USA, July/Oct. 2013
Post Bomb Chronicles (CD / Vinyl / DL), What's So Funny About, Vinyl by Ritchie Records, April 2012
PASP (CD / DL), What's So Funny About, October 2008
Strangelove TV (CD / Vinyl / DL), What's So Funny About, February 2006

Riverboat to Amsterdam (Download / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single.
Available through all digital services - see complete list with links.July 2024
Beatnik (Download / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single.
Available through all digital services - see complete list with links. June  2022
"Beatnik" is a song by the New Zealand band The Clean originally released in 1982.
Woog Riots / AlterModerns split single, 7" vinyl, Formosa Punk Records
Woog Riots contribute with "White" March  2022
King of Luxembourg (Download / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single.
Available through all digital services - see complete list with links. March  2022
Bob Dylan (Download / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available  through iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and all other digital services, May 2021
Who makes the Stars (DL / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available  through iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and all other digital services, December 2020
Good Scientist (DL / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available  through iTunes, SpotifyAmazon and all other digital services, September 2020
Yayoi Kusama (DL / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available  through iTunes, SpotifyAmazon and all other digital services, April 2020
Revolution (Radio Edit) by Lennon/McCartney (DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available through iTunes, SpotifyAmazon and all other digital services, April 2019
Hello Bus Driver (DL / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available through iTunes, SpotifyAmazon and all other digital services, November 2018
Monstrous Monsters (DL / Streaming / Video), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download Single
available through iTunes, Spotify, Beatport, Amazon and all other digital services, August 2017
Revisionen Vol.1 (DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! Digital Download E.P., Remixes for Woog Riots’ Album ‚Alan Rusbridger‘
by Apollo Lovemachine, Jörn Elling Wuttke and Unicorn Crew.
, August 2016
 Moscow Domodedovo Remixes (Vinyl / DL), From Lo-Fi to Disco! distributed by Broken Silence, May 2016
The Story of Pop (DL)a 1 minute song for Karl Bruckmaier's book
"The Story of Pop" to be released by Murmann-Verlag
on March 2014.
Download single "The Story of Pop" released through iTunes and all other digital services.
Powerpoint (CD), a song created for Michael Riedel’s exhibition at David Zwirner, New York, February 2013.
 In mailings announcing the opening, a CD was included featuring this song by Woog Riots
with lyrics taken verbatim from the text on the show card.
Woog Riots / Schwervon! split single, 7" vinyl, Decoy Industry, April 2009.
Woog Riots contribute with "People working with computers"
Football round the clock, download single, May 2006 (was only available during World Cup 2006)
 King of Pop, 7" vinyl single, What's So Funny About, December 2004
Various Artists Compilations

Jowe Head Presents Art for All
18 songs about art and artists curated by Jowe Head (Swell Maps / Television Personalities)
Listen and download at
, compilation CD by Glass Modern London, UK 
Woog Riots contribute with "Yayoi Kusama" + "Beuys", September 2024
You Don't Have To Be Fashionable Vol​​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​​8
Listen and download at
, With A Messy Head Paris, France .
Woog Riots contribute with "Hello Bus Driver", February 2020
 Our Favorite Beatle - Friends and Fans Celebrate The Music of Phoebe Kreutz 
Listen and download at
, Lousy Moon Records, Frankfurt, Germany.
Woog Riots contribute with "Cavemen, Cavemen" (written by Phoebe Kreutz), December 2019
 A very Cherry Christmas 9 compilation CD by Cherryade Records UK.
Woog Riots contribute with 'Under the X-Mas Treeee', December 2013
Mixtape​:​Spring​: ​2013 very limited edition Cassette Mixtape by Left Turn 4 Records (UK)
Woog Riots contribute with "Life Electric", April 2013
Rolling Stone Magazine cd Rare Trax Vol. 76: Kick & Rush, Berlin, Germany
Woog Riots contribute with "Football Round The Clock", June 2012
P-Sampler Vol.2 cd together with P-Magazine
Woog Riots contribute with
"We are not Houston", March 2012
KSAT Numero 4 art fanzine by KSAT, Paris, France
What inspire the musicians while composing music? How does that music inspire visual artists?
Woog Riots contribute with a collage about things which inspired them to the lyrics of their
song "Counterculture" and Yasmine Tashk draw a comic called "The story of Counterculture"., July 2011
Gute Reise cd by Gute Stube
Woog Riots contribute with
"Last Beat", December 2010
P-Sampler Vol.1 cd together with P-Magazine
Woog Riots contribute with
"Uranus" (written by "The Dass Saegebett"), December 2010
Sounds like Bizarro - A Wedding Present Tribute Compilation by WP Fan Forum
Radiokeg (feat. Woog Riots) contribute with "No", July 2010 (download whole compilation)
Alexander Kluge - Chronik der Gefuehle audiobook 14 cds
Woog Riots contribute with "King Midas", September 2009
Musikexpress Magazine cd # 140, Munich, Germany
Woog Riots contribute with "Backstage Lemonade", September 2008
Spex Magazine cd # 79, Berlin, Germany
Woog Riots contribute with"People working with computers", June 2008
What's So Funny About..ZickZack (ZZ2020),
Hamburg, Germany, compilation by What's So Funny About/ZickZack
Woog Riots contribute with"Paul McCartney", July. 2007  
The Lotus-Compilation by Pop Monster Records, Champaign, Iillinois, USA
Woog Riots contribute with"Attentato" (written by "Arschgebuiden"), Sept. 2006
Spex Magazine cd # 60, Cologne, Germany
Woog Riots contribute with"Commercial Suicide", March 2006
A Tribute to Arschgebuiden - compilation by Goetterwind
Woog Riots contribute with"Attentato" (written by "Arschgebuiden"), January 2006
 If i could write poetry..., a tribute to the Television Personalities
compilation by The Beautiful Music, Ottawa, Canada
Woog Riots contribute with"TV Personalities", June 2005
Falling Uphill, guitar-pop compilation by Windless Air Music, Acra, NY, USA
Woog Riots contribute with with "mrs pharmacist", August 2004 
 Into the Jetstream of Pop, pop compilation, by The Beautiful Music, Ottawa, Canada.
Woog Riots contribute with with "Woog Riots Theme", July 2004
Pop You 3, guitar-pop compilation by Pitti Platsch 3000, Nuernberg, Germany
Woog Riots contribute with"Mrs Pharmacist", May 2004
 Perverted by Mark E. - A tribute to The Fall
(tracklist + infos)
for ZickZack records, Hamburg, Woog Riots contribute with "Mark E. Smith & Brix"
(written by Barbara Manning), April 2004

 Last update: September 17, 2024